[Solidarity Action] Awakening For Earth: Active Hope Training
Join Awakening For Earth for Active Hope training. This is the seventh and final training. Feel free to come even if you missed previous weeks.
Active Hope is a training designed by Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone to strengthen our ability to make a difference in the world. Awakening For Earth will dedicate seven ‘Sitting for Survival’ Sundays to explore this training together.
Join us as we learn ways to nourish our capacity to face the many challenges of our time…from systemic racism to ecological destruction.
If you want to learn more about this work, you are encouraged to subscribe to the free Active Hope training, or just drop in and check it out with us! The training is designed to be flexible so we’re seeing this as a community exploration.
Purifying our hearts of greed, hatred, and delusion, we bless each other and generate a communal power and resilience that can effectively meet the daunting challenges that threaten our world. --Kittisaro
When: Every Sunday, January 23-March 6, 10:30am-12noon
Where: Recurring zoom link here Meeting ID: 853 7928 7753 Passcode: 304404
You can also sign up for their mailing list at awakeningforearth.com.