Bourne Bridge Labor Day Weekend Standout
Every Labor Day Weekend the traffic heading into Cape Cod brings the entrance to the Cape at Bourne Bridge to a halt. Thousands of people in their cars sit in idling traffic heading to their vacation weekend on one of the country's most vulnerable geographical areas to the effects of climate change. This is a great opportunity to get some outreach to the thousands of people that have nothing else do while they idle but give us their attention. Let's give them some entertainment and alert them to the fragility of the beach areas we know and love and want to protect. It's a climate emergency: declare it and act like it.
For parking: it's best to park near the Cape Cod Veterinary Specialists building in the back of the bridge. 11 Bourne Bridge Approach, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532. We will then walk up the path in the back towards the bridge and turn left on the side of the road.
The Red Rebels will be walking the length of the bridge. While they process we will stand on the grassy side area of the bridge with signs and art and visuals to alert people to the effects of the climate crisis on the fragile Cape.
After the bridge portion, the reds will go to Chapoquoit Beach in Falmouth to process in front of folks on the beach which any and all participants are welcome to join (and go for a swim!)
If you would like to participate as a Red Rebel, please email redrebelsboston@gmail.com If you would like to participate in the bridge or beach portion as a banner holder/supporter, sign up here or email jamesfcomiskey@gmail.com
RSVP on this page if you are joining the event.
What to bring: Flags! Signs! Art! Sunscreen! Yourself!
Public streets and sidewalks