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Christian Climate Action Affinity Group Kickoff

Thursday, Jan 20

Christian Climate Action AG Kickoff!

If you find meaning, strength, and hope in the Way of Jesus and its tradition of speaking truth to power…

If you are already active in Extinction Rebellion, or are interested in learning about this international movement to confront our climate and ecological emergency…

If you are considering a call to public witness and/or non-violent direct action as a direct expression of your faith, anger, sacred anxiety, and (most of all) love…

Join us on January 20 for an organizational meeting to discuss how we might listen to, support, challenge, and empower one another as siblings in Christ and rebels with a sacred cause.

Why join an affinity group?

In XR, Affinity Groups are the fundamental unit of organizing direct actions. This group becomes your activist family. You might go to a Non-Violent Direct Action training together, attend a major XR action as a direct action POD, or plan your own direct action in your local community. These decentralized groups are the key to launching large-scale mass disruption against the pillars of power.

Join via this Zoom link:

