Climate Convos at 5.32.31 PM.png

MASS Mobilization & Persuasion: A C.L.I.M.A.T.E Convo How-To

Sunday, Mar 06

Please join organizers from Extinction Rebellion Boston for an hour-long outreach & mobilization workshop on Sunday, Mar. 6th at 7 PM.

We will be discussing how to have effective persuasion conversations, how to make "hard asks", & event build-out best practices—all essential pieces of the organizer's toolkit. You will also learn a helpful mnemonic device for structuring your C.L.I.M.A.T.E Convos! We will then explore how to apply these organizing strategies to Extinction Rebellion Boston's year of action, and get you plugged in to the larger outreach effort. You'll also receive a bit of organizing & social movement theory, plus a smidgen of wacky fun. Come prepared to think on your feet & role play, as you will have the opportunity to practice your new found skills in breakout rooms.

Most of all, expect a fun & informative time, all for the sake of building the movement for climate justice.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at ... Otherwise, see you at the Workshop!

