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Ecocide & Its Roots: A Solidarity Event for Palestine

Saturday, Jun 22

We're excited to host you at "Ecocide & Its Roots" to bring together advocates who want to stand up against the military-industrial complex and all of its impacts globally. In solidarity with the people of Palestine, who are currently under siege by U.S.-made bombs and white phosphorus, we will discuss how this militarism intersects with the destruction of our natural world both historically and in the present. From the ecological destruction that has enabled genocide against Indigenous peoples to the outsized impact and waste of the U.S. military, the goal of this even is to unite movements and build friendships that will last a lifetime as advocates.

Please feel free to bring a beverage and/or plant-based treat to share potluck-style with the group (no animal products please). Please invite friends, and in particular invite people who may not know much about these topics- because our goal is to extent this discussion beyond our ordinary circles.


The space is ADA accessible, and please let us know if we can do anything to accommodate you. We are mindful that many people have social anxiety, so most discussions will be in smaller groups.