Extinction Rebellion at Boston's New Year's Eve Processional Puppet Parade
Then on New Year's Eve, Extinction Rebellion Boston will join the Puppet Collective and a number of other community groups in the annual Boston Procession, a giant puppet parade that this year’s theme is Air and Sea. XR Boston will be there to focus on the role of climate change in destroying the habitats of our bird and aquatic relatives and thus threatening human survival.
You can help carry puppets or other art in the Procession. Join us on the steps of the Boston Public Library in Copley Square at 5pm on December 31st. The parade leaves at 6pm, and will finish by 7pm, with cookies and hot chocolate at the Puppet Lair in the alley behind Emmanuel Church, 15 Newbury St.
The Puppet Parade is wheelchair accessible but the gathering location for cookies and hot chocolate at the end is not.