General Meeting_centered

February General Meeting

Sunday, Feb 26

Please join us at the next General Meeting on Sunday, February 26 from 4pm - 6pm (or so) at the Community Church of Boston (Copley Square).

Are you feeling a bit off-center with the recent spring-like weather? Not feeling enthused by the prospect of summer in February? Join us for a evening of getting grounded in where we are as XR and where we are going. We’ll hear updates about the recent actions at the State House and East Boston, bring ourselves back into the present moment with some regenerative activities, and spend some time reflecting on civil disobedience as a pathway forward. Let's gather ourselves for a rebellious and impactful 2023!

Pizza and veggies will be served, with vegan options available. Be sure to RSVP so we know how much to order. Feel free to bring an appetizer, side, dessert or beverage to share.

Please Covid test before you come, and stay home if you are feeling sick. Masks are highly encouraged!

(By the way, the church is in an office building. The entrance is to the right of Clover.)


Small elevator, wheelchair accessible