Heading For Extinction

Heading For Extinction
(and What to Do About It) - XR Youth Edition

Thursday, May 26

We are in the midst of an unprecedented climate crisis and ecological breakdown that threatens the continuation of life as we know it: record heat waves, forest fires, crop failure, mass extinction of species, to name just a few recent headlines.

Where do we fit in? How can and should we face this news? What comes next?

Join us to hear about the latest climate and ecological science and what current plans mean for our future. And learn how to become part of a global movement of social transformation for a livable future!

Note: this edition is for XRYouth (20 year-olds and younger) but all are welcome!

The presentation will last about an hour (8:00pm to 9:00pm EDT), with time reserved for discussion afterwards.

Join on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81709461550?pwd=L2dONC9PR0p2WU1uUXhCSzdGSkJRZz09

