
Look Up, Step Up: Live in Cambridge

Sunday, Apr 23

This is an Emergency. Scientists say we have entered a period of abrupt climate and ecological breakdown. We have very little time to avoid societal collapse.

Join us live, in person, at the Cambridge Friends' Meeting, as we share the latest climate science, explain how governments and corporations are lying to us, and invite you to join the movement and help turn the tide. Humanity needs you!

Can't attend the meeting? Join us via Zoom:

On or in the Zoom app, enter the Meeting ID: 783 475 1861 and Passcode: 1652.

To attend by phone dial 1-646-558-8656 and enter the Meeting ID: 783 475 1861. No passcode is required.

Getting there: * There's a bike rack on the property; * Meeting House is about a 5-8 minute walk from the Harvard Sq T.
* Parking on Longfellow Park and Brattle St. on Sunday is not ticketed.


The 'Friends' Room' is accessible.