International May Day Rally (Int'l Workers Day)
Join us for May Day on Boston Common to celebrate a day of solidarity across struggles!
XR Boston is co-sponsoring this year's International May Day celebration at the Boston Common (organized by Boston May Day Coalition).
Begun in 1889 by the Second International & the Marxist International Socialist Congress, International Workers' Day was conceived to elicit mass demonstrations in support of the eight-hour workday around the globe. The date was also chosen to commemorate the Haymarket Affair and tragedy of 1886. Today, International Workers' Day continues to bring workers, leftists, activists, & allies of all stripes together across the globe, even here in the United States, despite our country's best attempts at stealing May Day's thunder through the recognition of various pseudo-holidays [Labor Day (First Mon. of Sept.), Law Day (May 1st), & Loyalty Day (May 1st)—LOL].
Don't fall for America's attempts at knee-capping international labor! Instead, join us in Boston Common on Sunday, May 1st to celebrate international solidarity in the fight against all forms of oppression! Conrad, XR Boston's Urban Growth Coordinator, will be speaking on behalf of Extinction Rebellion at the event. Come & show your solidarity for workers' rights & the rights of all peoples.
In the Boston Common!