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March General Meeting

Wednesday, Mar 12

Calling all rebels! We are continuing the new General Meeting format that we launched in February. We will hear updates about how XR Boston's 2025 Strategic transition is going and what our chapter's big plans are for our Spring action.

In our group circle, we'll touch on three topics: a big Earth Day announcement, live demo of NVDA, and an Affinity Group "fair."

If you're able to bring a plant-based dish to share, potluck style, that's appreciated. If you can only bring yourself, that's also appreciated!

If you are arriving late, the door may be locked, please call the number posted on the front door!


6:00 - 6:45: Socializing and sharing food

6:45 - 7:30: Circle up and group activity.

7:30 - 8:30: There will be both a new member orientation and onboarding, and space for Working Groups and Affinity Groups to have in-person meetings.


Elevator is accessible for folks who need it