[solidarity] Stop the Peabody Peaker Plant
The Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Company (MMWEC) is building a new 60 MW natural gas and oil peaker power plant in Peabody, MA. This plant is a bad financial investment that will harm already burdened Environmental Justice communities and exacerbate the climate crisis. New fossil fuel infrastructure cannot be installed if we are going to hit the state's (insufficient) 2050 net zero goals - as they are built with the intention to last 30-50 years.
It’s outrageous and infuriating that the state continues to move forward with this dangerous and unnecessary project despite countless unanswered questions about the impact it will have on our health and our environment. We can't allow things to keep moving forward.
Join us for a mass action on Thursday, May 26th 11am-3pm in Peabody to tell the Baker Administration: conduct the health and environment studies that have never been done. We'll be making it clear that our opposition to this project continues, and we want the answers to the questions we've been asking for over a year.
We're still finalizing the details of the action, but there will be lots of ways to participate! Please RSVP if you're interested in coming, and we'll follow up with more information.