
(N)eversource Coalition Rally

Friday, Jul 30

Eversource is destroying our future for investors profit. They are holding their board meeting on July 30, 2021. Enough is enough, this triggers a rally demanding Eversource's executives and investors to stop profiting at the expense of the people of Massachusetts and beyond.This rally will be part of a decentralized action at multiple locations in New England. 

Eversource has been lying about the climate emergency and their commitment to climate action while handing out propaganda to our kids. They must end promoting fossil fuels including fracked gas now. Communities have the right to make decisions about their own energy futures. Energy companies should be placed under control of communities, not executives and investors! Eversource must stop building dangerous infrastructure, such as the Eastie subtation, that puts environmental justice communities at risk.

An example of environmental injustice committed locally, see Eversource's plan for the Eastie substation in a climate-induced flooding area.

Please sign up below to stay in the loop as we plan the details for this action.


Public streets and sidewalks