Poor People's Campaign "Moral March" on Washington | SOLIDARITY PROTEST
Dear Rebels, there's another excellent solidarity protest opportunity upcoming, as the Poor People's Campaign & Co-chairs Revs. William Barber and Liz Theoharis will be hitting the National Mall in Washington, D.C. on June 18th! We march to demand an end to poverty, systemic racism, climate devastation, war and militarism, and the false narrative of Christian nationalism. The concrete demands include the restoration of voting rights protections; the abolishment of mass incarceration; health care and a living wage for all, and much much more. Click here for more info:
We hope to mobilize a strong contingent of XR Boston members to travel to D.C. to protest in solidarity with the PPC on the day, as well as to amplify the urgency of the climate emergency and the desperate need for mass protest to combat it. We will hope to build stronger connections with our allies by showing up in solidarity and learning from this important movement about fusion organizing.
The Poor People's Campaign is using Rally.co (which is like an Uber for buses) organizing buses down to get to to D.C. for the march and rally, so if you are interested in attending with us, please RSVP and we will follow up with details pertaining to travel.
The buses will leave at 12:50 a.m. Friday night to arrive in DC on Saturday morning. The rally begins officially at 10:00 a.m. We will then depart from DC at 4:00 p.m. and arrive back in Boston by approximately 12:50 a.m. Saturday night.
First step is to RSVP here on the XR website, and then to RSVP via this link: ttps://www.poorpeoplescampaign.org/june18/
(In order for all of us to be on the same bus, we must all register to be picked up at the same bus stop. Choose South station, Cambridge or Roxbury Community College) If you cannot afford the cost of a bus ticket, the PPC has free seats available. Use the code PPCMASS100 in order to book your free seat! There will also be food stipends for those who need this support. We are lifting from the bottom so everybody rises, and this means our movement must be all inclusive: everybody in, and nobody out!
Will involve many hours on a bus on the same day; the brief and optional march in DC is before the main rally which begins at 10:00 AM. The main rally will be in one location.
Will involve many hours on a bus on the same day; the brief and optional march in DC is before the main rally which begins at 10:00 AM. The main rally will be in one location.