SOS Training

Self-Organizing Systems Training, pt 4

Wednesday, Jul 24

A mass movement has to unlock the leadership and creativity of far more people than a top-down structure will allow. XR's approach to governance has been vital to our growth and effectiveness, and a shared understanding of our structure and decision-making will be key to continued success!

This training will work with issues that often arise SOS, including:

  1. meeting facilitation
  2. responding to challenging group dynamics
  3. processes to encourage reflecting and learning

Participants are strongly encouraged to attend all sessions, 6-7:30PM Wednesday, June 19 and 26, and July 10 and 24, as the later sessions will build on material introduced earlier. Please contact @virginiafisher on keybase if you are interested but have a scheduling conflict. RSVP to receive the meeting link by email.


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