[Solidarity] Climate Solutions and You
350 Mass MetroNorth node and the Winchester Unitarian Society invite you to "Climate Solutions and You." This series is free to all.
At this interactive six-part series over zoom, you will learn more about:
- the climate challenge
- the range of solutions which, if taken together, would reverse the growth of greenhouse gases
- high-leverage actions of local citizens and practical ways we all can help
When: Sundays from February 20 to March 20, 4pm-5:30pm
Sunday, March 27, 2pm-3:30pm
Where: Zoom - https://uuma.zoom.us/j/92947003027?pwd=RWRsMTRuaFZ2dFJQRGw4Skc4WmVsdz09
Sign up: For more information about the series and to register for sessions, visit here.
Each session begins with one of the six short videos in “Climate Solutions 101,” narrated by Jonathan Foley, Project Drawdown’s executive director. The video will be followed by discussion in breakout rooms, then a talk by a local climate expert or activist who will finish by answering participants’ questions.
We encourage you to attend all six sessions, but you can choose to attend the units with speakers who interest you the most.