State House Stand-Out for No New Fossil Fuel Infrastructure
~ Ongoing action (each business day) ~
Climate activists are standing-out in front of the Massachusetts State House to put pressure on Governor Healey, Senate President Spilka, and House Speaker Mariano to commit to no new fossil fuel infrastructure. Each business day, 2+ climate activists are peacefully and determinedly stationed outside the State House with signs, flags, or banners from 9am-5pm in shifts of 2 hours or more. We document the Stand-Out with daily photos and stories on [the Stand-Out blog] (https://statehousestandout.wordpress.com/) This will continue until the governor publicly commits to no new fossil fuel infrastructure, or the legislature passes a law that bans new fossil fuel infrastructure.
This is an ambitious goal that requires many people to show up and sacrifice their time. For that reason, it is a powerful tool to show the state government that we will not stop demanding real climate action. We hope this Stand-Out will become an inspiring coalition of action organizations across Massachusetts, united in the fight for no new fossil fuel infrastructure. The Stand-Out is open to all climate and social justice groups and individuals who agree that MA should stop building new infrastructure for oil and gas.
We are rapidly destabilizing our climate and ecosystem by burning fossil fuels. Scientific studies show it is impossible to keep global warming under 1.5C and avoid climate and societal disaster unless there is urgent, system-wide transformation away from fossil fuels.
9 months into her administration, Governor Healey has shown that she does not plan to take the all-of-government effort required to reduce state emissions as required by MA's own 2021 climate law. It's up to the people of MA to push our government to take the actions necessary. If not us, who? If not now, when?
To join the Stand-Out, attend an upcoming info session or send an email to fossilfuels.standout.ma@proton.me. More information and FAQs here.