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State House Stand-Out Info Session #4

Thursday, Aug 03

The State House Stand-Out is a long-term vigil in front of the MA State House to put pressure on Governor Healey, Senate President Spilka, and House Speaker Mariano to commit to No New Fossil Fuel Infrastructure. The Stand-Out started on June 5 and has been going strong ever since, with two or more people standing out in shifts all day, every business day, applying nonviolent, constant, highly visible pressure. Our persistence over time, amplified by a robust media strategy, will make us impossible to ignore. This perpetual, peaceful action, in concert with the many other efforts by Extinction Rebellion and other climate groups, will force our leaders to come to the table regarding No New Fossil Fuel Infrastructure.

A non-stop Stand-Out is an ambitious goal that requires many people to show up and sacrifice their time. For that reason, it is a powerful tool to show the state government that we will not stop demanding real climate action. We hope this Stand-Out will become an inspiring coalition of action organizations across Massachusetts, united in the fight for no new fossil fuel infrastructure.

Please join an Info Session where we will share details of the Stand-Out, how you can participate, and the experience from the first two months of standing out.

