Website image Sunflower Action

Sunflower Direct Action

Wednesday, Jun 19

Join us to plant sunflowers and other native flora to remediate harmful chemicals from our soil at former industrial sites

We'll meet up at Roosevelt Park to get us started, and then based on the needs of attendees we will then move on to several other sites in Malden and Melrose. There is nothing dangerous about these so-called "brownfield" sites in the moment while we plant, they do pose a long-term risk to local communities in terms of air and soil quality. That is why we are taking direct, non-violent action to raise awareness and disobey. This is great opportunity to take your first action with XR and meet new friends.

This is a direct action event of the "Rebels of the Fells," the new affinity group taking the Malden, Melrose, Stoneham, Wakefield area by storm.

Please invite a friend or two to join Please bring a pair of gloves and a mask if you have them (optional) Please reach out if you would like to carpool from the area: cell or signal (316-217-6287)


Since this does involve getting on hands and knees to plant sunflowers, it does involve physical activity. Everyone is still welcome to join just to learn and meet cool people