#<a id="overview">Overview</a>
Decisions in XR Mass are made by individuals and groups with a particular mandate. Thus, we only use group-decision making when it’s necessary and not by default. Within this structure, XR encourages rebels to switch up roles once in a while to promote creativity and avoid burn-out.
#### Mandates
When someone has a mandate, it means that they have the authority to make a decision/act, and at the same time it sets an expectation which others can have of them. People take on roles, which have particular mandates that they are accountable for completing. Examples:
- “manage information flow within the team” (one mandate of the coordinator role)
- “implement the XR Conflict Resilience procedures” (mandate of conflict mediator role)
#### Working groups
Working groups are a group of people defined by a few overarching mandates, typically with many sub-mandates filled by individuals. XR Mass’ current working groups can be found [here](https://xrmass.org/wiki/working-groups/).
You can also get directed to a working group by filling out [our volunteer welcome form](https://xrmass.org/join/). (The form appears if you click the box next to "This is an emergency! I want to get involved with the rebellion!")
#### Affinity groups
Distinct from the working group structure, [affinity groups](https://xrmass.org/wiki/affinity-groups/) are small groups of ~10 people undertaking non-violent direct action (NVDA) together. To join an Affinity Group please complete this interest [form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdTGZLmzP-F6jmfkKaW1TKTyx1ZN6-JpiF5xIIQrFaZpmESnA/viewform?usp=sf_link). It is expected that everyone in the Affinity Group will attend NVDA training.
Affinity groups are empowered to plan and execute their own actions, as long as:
- they follow XR [principles and values](https://rebellion.earth/the-truth/about-us/)
- they meet the non-violence guidelines and agreements in the [NVDA intro document](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UnVnh8ZA_PWME0WI6QdcuiwC3QGS3o5W/view?usp=sharing)
- if necessary, the action goes through the XR Mass [approval process](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1z9TN0BHUpZctQp03LdE33SxTSB6YOOt6txPGZWxjKCQ/edit#bookmark=id.rysikpmadi3w)
The action working group also researches and prepares options for NVDA, which affinity groups can decide whether/how to be involved in via participation in spokescouncils.
#<a id="resources">Resources on Group Structure</a>
These documents describe the self-organizing system that XR Mass is using. We are transitioning to this structure to help us grow and become more resilient, from a much more fluid organization that we used when we only had a few members.
- (4 min video) [Intro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eG1jVkK9i9Y) to affinity groups and working groups
- (2 pages!) [recommendations](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lYd_VPOKAr2HnKyB3IimQ7nlzlV4OHsBXsBJiU4XvWI/edit) for structuring XR chapters
- (8 min video!) [More](https://www.loom.com/share/2a1a2ecc1b5247d5bac7c32e1cf60d73) on working groups
- [Less-than-a-page introduction](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XolxSBIz0n85lVNUtum_-ndFrEtwKaWdPy7FH8VJdcU/edit?usp=sharing): collaborative document version of the overview given above, feel free to comment and add questions if you're confused!
- [Current developments](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r_48NAjy5GshByFsl8BOolo7qQRWLQrf48evm1T-nJ0/edit?usp=sharing) in XR Mass structure. This document describes our transition process, where we were and where we're headed, in more detail.
- Coming soon: Self-organizing systems trainings
#<a id="decision-making">More on decision-making</a>
- [Kinds of decision-making](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eagcC4DJ1wFYxIikGKiF9SvsYCwybxSBhL-FIf4zr_8/edit#bookmark=id.j30klfo1rdhe) that can be used within the self-organizing system from the XR UK Constitution.
- [Advice process](http://www.reinventingorganizationswiki.com/Decision_Making): Decisions are made by mandate holders, but they must undergo an advice process. This page describes some of what can be involved in this.
- [Decision-making on filling roles](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eagcC4DJ1wFYxIikGKiF9SvsYCwybxSBhL-FIf4zr_8/edit#bookmark=id.pwjp8qstyxwt) from the XR UK Constitution. One option is the [integrative election process](https://blog.holacracy.org/holacracy-election-process-101-election-process-walk-through-7626451cda0c) from Holacracy.
- [Resource](https://thedecider.app/) on the pros/cons of a few different kinds of decision-making -- this website does not cover all of the kinds of decision-making in the XR UK Constitution, but is meant to provide food-for-thought