Art, Music, Performance

“I was making protest art about the declines of various individual species for a while, but it felt quite inconsequential in relation to the scale of the problem. I gradually realised that the issue was so big that I couldn’t do this alone, and therefore it needed something simple that anybody could easily replicate. At the start of 2011 I was just randomly sketching designs and as soon as I drew the symbol I knew what it was.” — Goldfrog ESP, on creating the image that became the XR Symbol
“Art is the stored honey of the human soul, gathered on wings of misery and travail.” — Theodore Dreiser, 1917
Arts WG Coordinator: Niels
Arts Resources: we have put together a compilation of useful design, visual, and other arts resources
Minutes: can be found here on our shared Google Drive
Projects and Groups
Culture Jamming: We engage in art projects that disrupt business as usual with images and ideas that challenge people to face the dire condition of our world and encourage them to join the rebellion. We have made a fake Boston Globe, dedicate to covering the climate crisis as though it were the existential threat that it is. We are working on a poster series that will soon appear in subways and street corners near you.
Art Parties: Art parties combine art, outreach and regenerative culture to bring people together around art and creativity and create a forum to share our common grief and hope. We often do block printing to decorate old clothes with an Extinction Rebellion look.
Art Builds: Art Builds are Art Parties specifically focused on creating art for actions.
Music Group: We develop chants and songs to sing at our actions. We are excited to collaborate with musicians and musical groups. The Second Line Social Aid and Pleasure Society Brass Band has been a vital partner in our actions.
Red Rebels Brigade:
The Red Rebel Brigade was created by Doug Francisco of the Invisible Circus for the 2019 Extinction Rebellion Spring in London. There are now chapters of Red Rebels all over the world. We are inspired by Greek tragedy, Japanese Butoh, commedia dell’arte, the traditions of clowns, mime and more. We move slowly, silently in order to connect to others directly, without words. The red we wear represents the common blood we share with all species. Our protest is completely nonviolent. The Red Rebels channel the full range of human emotions that arise in the face of the threat of mass extinction – grief, love, hope, despair, comfort and rage. We seek to support and inspire everyone who is working to save life on earth.
Contact Info: To learn more about the Boston Red Rebels, visit

Potential Projects
Project scheduling: rough timelines for completing art projects
- Our XR Mass Arts Resources compilation
- Art WG Google Drive: here you can find meeting minutes, arts resources, and planning materials
- Past Projects: Find photos and documentation of our past projects on our Google Drive