[Solidarity] FRRACS Rally in the Park: No more toxic gas

Wednesday, Nov 15

Join FRRACS on Wednesday, November 15 for a rally in Kings Cove Park (50 Bridge Street, Weymouth), in opposition to the operation of Enbridge’s compressor station. We are gathering to say “No More Toxic Gas”. The compressor station is spewing toxicity into the community, despite the lack of the need for the gas or facility, and while a key license is being appealed in court.

In addition to the unnecessary operation of the compressor station, there has been news about a new Enbridge project called “Project Maple”. Though not much is known about the project currently, we do know that any expansion of fracked gas or other fossil fuels will exacerbate the climate crisis. If Project Maple moves forward, it could lead to the expansion of turbines at the compressor station. Currently, Enbridge is in “open season” for Project Maple, which means they are seeking customers who would buy the additional gas. We have voiced our opposition to the project proposal and will continue to do so.

On November 15, we will gather to speak out against the compressor and any efforts to expand the burning of fracked gas. Light refreshments will be provided. Parking is available near the park. For parking maps, visit our website here


public streets and sidewalks