[Solidarity] Green New Deal for Cambridge – Rally & Hearing
RSVP HERE: https://actionnetwork.org/events/green-new-deal-for-cambridge-rally-and-hearing
From the organizers: On Wednesday, April 12, Cambridge City Council will gather to discuss and vote on a crucial piece of Green New Deal legislation: amendments to the city’s Building Energy Use Disclosure Ordinance. Buildings are by far the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in Cambridge, and our city leaders need to pass strong policy to ensure that the largest property owners in our city – which are also the biggest polluters – transition off of fossil fuels and cut their emissions.
Join us at 5 PM for a Green New Deal rally, followed by an opportunity to provide public comment at the 5:30 PM council hearing. This is a critical moment to show up in the streets and in the council chambers and make clear how much support there is for strong and equitable climate action across our city.
All are welcome to the rally, and we invite Cambridge residents, workers, and students in particular to give public comment. Public comment is a one or two-minute statement made during the hearing that you can share in-person at Cambridge City Hall or virtually via Zoom. If you sign up, we'll follow up with more information on logistics, talking points, and helpful tips on how to give a comment.
This rally is co-organized by Boston DSA Ecosocialist Working Group, Sunrise Cambridge, MIT Divest, 350 Mass Cambridge-Somerville, Harvard Climate Coalition, Harvard Undergraduate Clean Energy Group, Our Revolution Cambridge, and Boston Climate Action Network.