
[Solidarity] Love Your National Forests Twitterstorm

Monday, Feb 28

XR Boston is supporting XR Vermont in their efforts to stop logging the Telephone Gap Area of the Green Mountain National Forest. We will be having a twitterstorm on Mon Feb 28 to remind everyone to love their national forests. Letting our trees stand is the best way to remove and store atmospheric carbon dioxide. We must save life on earth.

However, our government feels otherwise. Did you know that the US National Forest Service:

  1. Has logged or plans to log over 43,000 acres of the Green Mountain National Forest? This area is approximately the size of Washington DC. The proposed Telephone Gap Project will open up 11,000 additional acres, larger than the entire area of Burlington, VT?
  2. Spends hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars annually subsidizing commercial logging activities?
  3. Allows private companies to cut down trees, mine for coal, drill for oil and gas, and bulldoze pipeline routes in US National Forests?
  4. Has traditionally viewed trees as crops and has prioritized timber harvests in the US National Forests?

Here is a news clip of XR Vermont's action on Saturday February 5.

So, on Monday February 28, get out and show your love for our National Forests. Here is the twittersheet for our action at noon. Also you can write a letter now.

Special thanks to Will Harlan of the Center for Biological Diversity for his article What You Don’t Know About Your National Forests

