[SOLIDARITY] Urban Agriculture & Climate Justice Fair
Wrap up the Week of Rebellion by coming out to the Urban Agriculture & Climate Justice Fair on Saturday Sept. 28 at the Nightingale Community Garden in Dorchester (512 Park St), from 11 am to 3 pm! The event is sponsored by a large coalition of organizations, including Extinction Rebellion.
This is a fun, educational, and family-friendly event with food, music, produce from local farms, fruit/vegetable/flower competitions with prizes, climate games, and demonstrations about making cider, beekeeping, raising chickens, composting, mushrooms, and gardening. There's something for everyone! Extinction Rebellion will have a table -- stop on by to say hi and grab some stickers and buttons!
Please plan to attend, bring friends, and help us spread the word!
Want to help out? We're looking for people to help attendees play Extinction Jenga and Mass Energize's Climate Carnival Games. Email outreach - at - xrboston.org.
Raindate: Sunday, September 29.