Speakout/Standout Against AD Makepeace (Solidarity Action)
Join Save the Pine Barrens, Massachusetts Peace Action and others for a Speakout and Standout against A.D. Makepeace Co. on Wednesday, May 4 from 5-7 pm at the Westin Seaport Hotel, 425 Summer Street Boston, MA.
AD Makepeace Corporation, the largest land-owner in Southeast Massachusetts uses cranberry growing as cover for clear-cutting hundreds of acres of mature forest, extracting gravel and sand in strip mines, and installing toxic industrial solar arrays on arsenic-treated poles in delicate pine barrens. Headquartered in Wareham, MA, Makepeace is being awarded the Private Company Board of the Year by the National Association of Corporate Directors - New England.
Makepeace is responsible for the largest clear-cutting operation in Southeast Massachusetts of the globally rare Pine Barrens in the towns of Plymouth, Carver and Wareham. They are being passed off as a "green" company and receiving millions of dollars of industrial solar subsidies from the state because of their perpetual greenwashing to hide their true activities. Jim Kane, President and Chief Executive officer of A.D. Makepeace is the primary spokesperson for the company.
Save the Pine Barrens and Massachusetts Peace Action Indigenous Subgroup are joining with other groups and individuals to protest this corporation and its role in greenwashing the destruction it is responsible for, of the Pine Barrens, the extraction of sand, gravel and silicon from the earth that has ruined dozens of residential wells and is endangering the sole-source aquifer for 8 neighboring towns.
The pine barrens forests and sand and gravel act as a natural filter for the carbon emissions creating cleaner air and water. Clear cutting and extraction take away this filter and allow pollution of water and the air.
Go to this Facebook LINK for more information.
Wheelchair accessible