How to onboard new people

- Dave @timelessway
- John B @zakalwe
- Sam N @warnthepenguins

    get them integrated into website
    3 different member roles:
        action networks list – mailing list at /join
            Action Networks is a activism tool
            announcements to promote things: come to actions, general meetings, new member orientations
            copy of it in website – name, email, zip, etc
        individual user accounts on the website
        contacts table on site, can be associated with a user account
        internal listservs/mailing lists for working groups, subgroups etc
            dashboard on Dreamhost – login as Luke
        Google form
            intake survey from people more committed than just the mailing list
            collects detailed info about their connections
            lets them make a working group selection
            updates a Google Sheet
            John has been managing this, parsing out working group selections, and handling them
                forward emails to working group coordinator
                assign emails to mailing list
                send welcome email
        Get more poeple into the group
        able to participate & get things done
        they can find out where to go and which working group to get involved with
    UK induction steps
            watch heading for extinction
            learn about XR
            join a local group
    Self-service model for Boston?
        Heading for extinction talk? watch it online or check one out
    Transition period
        Moving into working group model now
        Previously, everyone met together
        Now, working groups are more segregated
    What is an affinity group?
        Buddy system, group of people you have relationships with
        Go to actions together
        Members interface with action group
    How does coordination across working groups happen?
        Working group coordinators meet together 1/wk
    User personas

What is the plan for tomorrow’s breakout?

    Priority: get people signed up on working groups
    Onboarding people with intake form (google form)
    making sure people are in website
    Onboarding for keybase
    Short breakout, followed by listening and taking notes

Totally new users

    Outreached user
        In person contact
            at event with a table
            offer to sign up
            give contact info
            we put them into action networks
        Voluntary attendee at an event – which working group are you interested in joining?
            greet new people
            intro to small group
            get them to fill out a paper version of the form
            we transcribe
            Outreach team follows up with a personal call
            goal is to get them into a working group
                how to connect them to a group? Do they email the group, or do the groups email them?
            Connect them to handbook
    Self-service user – found XR on their own, via link etc
        Model on 3 steps in UK thing
        watch talk
        find the next orientation (in person or live remote)

General calendar

    General meetings
    New member orientations
    Heading for Extinction talk
    Public working group events
    Public trainings


    XR constitution
    We need agreements on our norms, procedures, and boundaries