Below is a quick orientation of how to create or edit pages (a.k.a. articles), link them together, and format text. More details are available [on this demo site](
1. create a new page: click the rightmost grey button with arrow in upper right corner and click on "New article below..." (this requires you to be logged in)
2. edit page: click "Edit" link at the top of the page (this requires you to be logged in)
4. links are a bit tricky, but the basic idea is link text in square brackets followed by the URL in parentheses. `[text that is shown](location of page being linked to)`
5. TO DO: adding images
6. TO DO: adding documents such as PDFs
3. style text with the buttons above the text box - or text formatting can be done with a shorthand syntax called _markdown_:
- headers: (1 to 6 #'s), e.g. \###### A Page Section --->
###### A Page Section
- bold: \*\*heavy text\*\* ---> **heavy text**
- italic: \_emphasized text_ ---> _emphasized text_