Read articles, press releases, and watch videos from XR Boston and the wider climate and ecological movement.
Participants shared motivational speeches and danced in the knee-deep water, dressed as “the dead” to protest government inaction on the climate crisis.
Stop Private Jet Expansion SPJE Beyond Plastics King Tide 350 Mass Mothers Out Front Wicked high tideMembers of XR Boston continue disrupting the General Hooker entrance, demanding an immediate ban on new fossil fuel infrastructure.
Blockade Massachusetts State House Week of Rebellion State House No New Fossil Fuel InfrastructureThis is their second day in this Week of Rebellion disrupting business as usual at the State House
Massachusetts State House Civil Disobedience Week of RebellionAfter nearly 14 months of a daily stand-out at the Massachusetts State House, where volunteers engaged with staffers and passersby about the need for immediate climate action, members of Extinction Rebellion Boston have escalated to non-violent civil disobedience.
State House Civil Disobedience No New Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Week of Rebellion