Read articles, press releases, and watch videos from XR Boston and the wider climate and ecological movement.


What information should we take away from COP28? How can we respond?

XR Seaport-Skip Schiel Copyright_Converted_SST0395

Boston is in danger of flooding as early as 2023, and tax dollars are still pouring in the wrong direction.

Boston Sea Level Rise

XR Boston and Scientist Rebellion are taking to the streets to protest historic COP failures on climate change, to demand necessary action from world leaders, and to call on everyone in society to mobilize for climate action, and join the climate movement now.

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Activists will continue to disrupt Healey's business as usual until she takes decisive action to ban New Fossil Fuel Infrastructure

Climatetech Civil Disobedience Governor Healey

Celebrating 101 Days standing out at the Massachusetts State House!

State House Day 101 Stand-Out

Rainbow Rebellion, a queer-led group within Extinction Rebellion Boston, entered the lobbies of major banks around downtown Boston dressed in drag as gender-bending custodians and maids to "clean up" the banks' fossil fuel funding.

Queer Drag Rainbow Rebellion Banks