Read articles, press releases, and watch videos from XR Boston and the wider climate and ecological movement.


Every business day for a year, volunteers have demanded No New Fossil Fuel Infrastructure

State House Stand Out
James, Harley, and Julia

Three activists arrested at Hanscom Airfield share why they get arrested for the climate.

Hanscom Airfield Interview Activist Profiles

Extinction Rebellion Boston occupies Seaport Boulevard bridge in Earth Day action, demands ban on new fossil fuel infrastructure


Climate activists disrupt flights at Hanscom airfield to protest proposed expansion, and demand that Governor Healey oppose airfield expansion in Massachusetts.

Civil Disobedience Private Jets Hanscom Airfield Arrests

Local climate activist group takes part in international protest over biodiversity loss.


A new Attorneys General amicus brief threatens two possible Supreme Course cases

Fossil Fuels Big Oil Litigation Supreme Court