EEA Rejects Hanscom Airfield Developers' DEIR Report!
If you follow Extinction Rebellion's work, you've likely watched the journey of our community's fight against the Hanscom Airfield expansion project, which would almost solely benefit the ultra-wealthy while effectively canceling out 70% of all solar power in the state. The public comment period on the developers' Draft Environmental Impact Report for the project ended on Friday June 14, with an outpouring of negative comments.
On June 21, Rebecca Tepper the Secretary of Massachusetts' Energy and Environmental Affairs office, released a certificate that says, "I have reviewed the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) and hereby determine that it does not adequately and properly comply with MEPA and its implementing regulations." The report demands that developers prepare a Supplemental DEIR (SDEIR) with additional analysis, including a supplemental analysis of the project’s potential effects on aviation activity, consideration of additional project alternatives, and consideration of mitigation measures."
The report continues, "As with the Environmental Notification Form (ENF), the DEIR received extensive public input as reflected in approximately 1,500 comment letters from legislators, local officials, residents and community groups, and a petition signed by 13,000 people. Nearly all commenters expressed opposition to the project and identified concerns with its impacts, particularly with respect to climate change and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions." Sabrina Shankman wrote an excellent article in the Boston Globe summarizing the certificate.
In response, Alex Chatfield with Stop Private Jet Expansion said, "This is a huge win - the best outcome from the MEPA process we could have hoped for." While XR Boston's direct action against the Hanscom expansion on April 20 was not explicitly mentioned in the report, we know that it has been responsible for nearly 100 pieces of local, national, and international media encouraging community opposition. Our opposition was directly referenced by actress Ashley Judd when she spoke against the expansion. It can sometimes be difficult to track progress in the climate movement, but this is a rare victory and it's worth celebrating.
Community efforts are directly responsible for this positive development. The diversity of tactics has been crucial, from the comments submitted by residents online and at public meetings, to Stop Private Jet Expansion’s research distribution and ongoing stand-outs, to XR Boston’s nonviolent direct action at the airfield. Every element puts pressure on the decision-makers, and every voice is valuable.
What happens now?
Now the developers have an opportunity to provide the EEA with a Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Report, addressing the issues that Secretary Tepper referenced in the June 21 certificate. There’s no deadline for the developers to submit the supplemental report. Once their supplemental report is submitted to the EEA, the public will have 30 days to comment, and the state can opt to extend that period if deemed appropriate. We need to keep our eyes open for that report and adjoining comment period!
Most importantly, we need to continue pressuring Governor Healey to vocally oppose the Hanscom expansion. This article from the Concord Bridge says, "A spokeswoman for Gov. Maura Healey, who has been silent on the issue as the MEPA review process has played out, referred The Concord Bridge to the state Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs 170-page certificate when asked for comment on Monday." Until Healey takes decisive action as a "climate governor," she has not earned that title. With an executive order, she could kill the expansion project once and for all. At every opportunity, we must remind her of this.
It’s crucial for us to remember that the fight is not over; we have simply been given more time to strengthen our case. In the days ahead, let's encourage each other to celebrate this opportunity by deepening our resolve and igniting our action.
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Sun Mar 9th @ 1 p.m.
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