XR Boston Announces the Week of Rebellion 2024!
XR Boston is thrilled to present the plan for Week of Rebellion 2024: Mass. Climate Action Now! After a devastating lack of MA Climate Bill from the recently-closed legislative session, we need to let our government know that we demand No New Fossil Fuel Infrastructure. We will be celebrating from Sunday September 22 through Saturday September 28. The "main" Week of Rebellion event is the Rally, Die-In, and Dance party on Thursday September 26. Be sure to check this webpage between now and then, because events might be added. Take a look and sign up and we will see you soon!
Please RSVP for events in advance!

Sunday September 22: Week of Rebellion Kick-Off
Time: 2 pm
Location: Boston Common - Charles St near the corner of Beacon St
Kick off the Week of Rebellion with fellow environmental and biking advocates as we celebrate World Car Free Day with a party and optional bike ride! Visit with old friends and make new ones, enjoy light snacks, play lawn games, and pick up XR patches, stickers, buttons, and flags to adorn your bike or other mode of transportation. Hear more about the Week of Rebellion -- Mass. Climate Action Now! -- and how you can help make it a success! Rain plan: TBD - RSVP for updates.
At 3 pm, our friends with Car Free Boston will gather nearby and head out on a 10-mile ride around Boston to celebrate. Get the information for their ride here!

Monday, September 23: How We Save the Planet: A Discussion with Activists & Scientists
Time: 5:30 pm - 7 pm
Location: Community Church of Boston, 565 Boylston St, Copley Sq, Boston
Discover how you can take action against the climate crisis with Extinction Rebellion! Learn about the history and methodology of climate activism through a brief presentation, followed by a panel of dedicated activists and scientists with experience using Non-Violent Direct Action to enact change. We encourage active participation, with opportunities for questions and discussion throughout. Food will be provided.

Wednesday September 25: Ecocide in Palestine: Virtual Teach-in & Discussion
Time: 6 pm
Location: Online! Registration required.
Join us virtually for a presentation and discussion about the environmental harms happening in Palestine. The impacts of genocide, ecocide, war, and discrimination will be discussed. In difficult times, connecting the many crises that are happening is essential— Palestine is a climate justice issue, a human rights issue, and a huge global focus in 2024. Examples throughout history will be used to explain current events. The genocide in Gaza is occurring in the same ways, and for the same destructive reasons, as the ecocide of the earth. Come learn more, and stand in solidarity with the planet and her people.

Friday September 27: Regenerative Yoga Class
Time: 5 pm - 5:30 pm
Location: NE corner of the Boston Common - across from the State House at the corner of Beacon St. and Park St.
Join XR Boston and yoga instructor Stevie Downie for a guided practice for all skill levels! This practice is free & open to the public. Stevie Downie is an experienced acro-yoga instructor, martial artist, organizer, activist, and a member of XR Boston.
No yoga mat or previous experience required.
Use this opportunity to get grounded for rally, die-in and dance party directly after in the same location.

Friday September 27: Rally, Die-in, & Dance for Mass. Climate Action Now!
Time: 5:30 pm - 8 pm
Location: NE corner of the Boston Common - across from the State House at the corner of Beacon St. and Park St.
This is the main Week of Rebellion event!!!!
For over a year, XR Boston has held a Stand-Out in front of the State House, urging our government to make the right move for our future, and commit to No New Fossil Fuel Infrastructure in Massachusetts. Despite this, our leaders have failed to listen to us. Despite a climate bill making it to the table, our leaders failed to pass it. So, it's time to get loud.
Come early for a free yoga session at 5 pm in the Common! Then we'll kick off at 5:30 pm with a rally, with short speeches from XR and coalition partners. Why this fight is so important, how we are waging it, and how you can get involved!
We'll continue with a die-in, lying on the ground to die symbolically, representing the people and animals who will die and are dying from avoidable ecological emergencies. If you've never participated in civil disobedience, this is an easy, accessible way to try it out! Remember to wear clothes suitable for lying on the ground.
We'll end with pizza and a dance party in front of the State House, making resistance fun again. We'll lead a simple warm-up exercise, then move into free form dancing at 6:30. Don't worry about your moves, this is about having fun and embracing your free spirit! This is a no-arrest-risk demonstration, perfect for new or seasoned activists.
Register to help us with planning and be informed of any schedule changes. Rain date is Friday September 27!
Print Your Own Posters for the Thursday 9/26 Rally/Dance Party!
Do you want to encourage members of your community to party with us? Print out these easy posters and put them up! Print THIS BLACK AND WHITE VERSION on white, pink, or goldenrod paper, and THIS COLORFUL VERSION on white paper. You can also join XR Arlington for postering parties on September 13, September 15, and September 21!

Saturday September 28: [SOLIDARITY] Urban Agriculture & Climate Justice Fair
Time: 11 am to 3 pm
Location: Nightingale Community Garden, 512 Park St Dorchester MA
Wrap up the Week of Rebellion by coming out to the Urban Agriculture & ClimateJustice Fair at the Nightingale Community Garden! The event is sponsored by a large coalition of organizations, including Extinction Rebellion.This is a fun, educational, and family-friendly event with food, music, produce from local farms, fruit/vegetable/flower competitions with prizes, climate games, and demonstrations about making cider, beekeeping, raising chickens, composting, mushrooms, and gardening. There's something for everyone! Extinction Rebellion will have a table -- stop by to say hi and grab some stickers and buttons!
Want to help out? We're looking for people to help attendees play Extinction Jenga and Mass Energize's Climate Carnival Games. Email outreach@xrboston.org.
Raindate: Sunday, September 29.
Related Stories:
The third annual Week of Rebellion is full of opportunities for celebration and action!
Our government had the opportunity to finally turn our state into a "climate leader," and they decided yet again to prioritize profits and political posturing over the well-being of residents.
Prominent climate scientists and activists demand immediate climate action in the United States.
Stop the Fossil Fuel Industry, Now: List of events for Extinction Rebellion Boston's September week of rebellion
A compilation of books, movies, articles, and ways to take action to protect Black lives
Nadia Colburn, PhD and member of Extinction Rebellion Media team, discusses how to talk about the climate and ecological crisis with family and friends.
Upcoming Events:
Tue Mar 4th @ 7:30 p.m.
Fri Mar 7th @ 4 p.m.
Sat Mar 8th @ 10 a.m.