XR Boston Members Lock Themselves to MA State House Gates
Press Contact: Jamie McGonagill (she/her) | 941-809-8189 | xrboston.media@gmail.com
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Members of XR Boston Lock Themselves to MA State House Gates, Demanding Ban on New Fossil Fuel Infrastructure
After nearly 14 months of a daily stand-out at the Massachusetts State House, where volunteers engaged with staffers and passersby about the need for immediate climate action, members of Extinction Rebellion Boston have escalated to non-violent civil disobedience.
Extinction Rebellion condemns new fossil fuel infrastructure that will be in operation for decades, preventing us from achieving decarbonization and threatening us with runaway global heating and an uninhabitable Earth. Extinction Rebellion calls on Governor Maura Healey and the Massachusetts Legislature to immediately institute a ban on new fossil fuel infrastructure, including airport expansions and Enbridge's Maple Project.
Boston, MA — On Monday September 23, climate activists from Extinction Rebellion Boston (XR) disrupted business as usual at the Massachusetts State House by locking themselves to the gates refusing to move until the MA government announces an immediate ban on new fossil fuel infrastructure. Many of these activists had participated in XR Boston's "State House Stand-Out" from June 2023 through July 2024, where volunteers stood outside the State House every business day, engaging staffers and passersby in conversation about the climate crisis. Surrounded with colorful flags and artwork, those volunteers became known for their cheerful, constant, informative presence. When the Massachusetts Legislature failed to pass a climate bill at the end of their session in July 2024, XR Boston wound down its operations at the Stand-Out, promising to return in another form. Today, they have returned, and they are escalating their tactics.
Starting at 2 PM, members of XR Boston approached the General Hooker entrance of the State House. Several protestors locked themselves to the front gate, an opening of about 12 feet, blocking this entrance to the building. Other entrances remained unblocked for safety, and no state property was damaged in this act of non-violent civil disobedience. Fellow activists surrounded the "locked-on" protestors, holding large banners that read "No New Fossil Fuel Infrastructure". The group sang and chanted together, with "This is our planet, this is our fight, Maura Healey: Do what's right!" and "This is our future, this cannot wait, no new fossil fuels in our state!" floating across the Boston Common. This action is part of XR Boston's "Week of Rebellion" from September 22 through September 28, which includes a lawful rally, die-in, and dance party at the State House at 5:30 pm on Thursday the 26th.
"I'm participating because continued government inaction on dealing with the climate crisis is not the legacy I want to leave for my two little kids. I want our state government to wake up from the delusion that this issue can wait" says Anna Pancoast, who was one of the activists risking arrest for locking onto the gate. Anna is an artist who joined XR Boston in 2023 and most recently organized the painting of a colorful Extinction Rebellion mural in Arlington. This was her first time risking arrest for climate action.
An activist holding a large banner reading "NO NEW FOSSIL FUEL INFRASTRUCTURE", identified as Walking Tree, added "I am participating in this action out of anger that our representatives are employing avoidance tactics rather than dealing with how to face the difficult social and cultural attitude changes we must make to steer away from crisis. All the health child health regulations that have been promoted by the state and federal government will be negated by fossil fuel expansion, especially the increased noise and air pollution from private jet expansion." Walking Tree is a retired Blue Marble librarian and this was also their first time risking arrest for climate justice.
XR Boston member Ruth Faas risked arrest for climate justice for the third time today, saying "Since legislators are not stopping fossil fuel companies, I will take whatever nonviolent action I can to stop this craziness. Taxpayers subsidize new fossil fuel projects. Those companies make huge, record profits because of this - and then taxpayers have to pay to try to prevent the devastating effects of the things the fossil fuel companies are profiting from and that are destroying our world."
Extinction Rebellion Boston demands that Governor Healey and the Massachusetts Legislature ban new fossil fuel infrastructure by immediately taking the following steps:
- Issue a public announcement that the Governor is committed to a No New Fossil Fuel Infrastructure policy for the Commonwealth, including opposing projects under construction or currently in the permitting process
- Issue a public commitment that the Governor will only appoint anti-new fossil fuel infrastructure policymakers to the Energy Facilities Siting Board and Department of Public Utilities, the key independent boards that permit new energy infrastructure
- Work with Speaker Mariano and Senate President Spilka to introduce legislation that would permanently ban new fossil fuel infrastructure in Massachusetts
Banning new fossil fuel infrastructure includes:
- NO new fossil fuel power plants
- NO new residential or commercial gas connections
- NO new or expanded natural gas distribution pipelines, transmission pipelines, or compressor stations
- NO new liquified natural gas production facilities, storage facilities, or terminals
- NO new gas stations or other gasoline and diesel infrastructure
- NO new airports or airfield expansions
Stopping new fossil fuel infrastructure under development includes:
- NEC’s Liquified Natural Gas Facility in Charlton
- LNG expansion to Douglas
- "Modernization" projects in Lowell and Worcester
- "Reliability" projects in Western Mass. and Sharon-to-Brockton
- The Hopkinton-Ashland Transfer Line
- Meter stations in Longmeadow and Charlton
- Springfield to Longmeadow natural gas pipeline
- Enbridge’s Maple Project
- Airport expansion projects throughout Massachusetts including
- Hyannis Airport expansion in Cape Cod
- Lawrence Municipal Airport in North Andover
- Plymouth Municipal Airport expansion
- Beverley Airport expansion
- Norwood Airport expansion
- Hanscom Field expansion
As reported in Space.com (1), Earth has broken temperature records for 14 consecutive months — with every month registering temperatures 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) higher than pre-industrial averages. Every month since June 2023 has been hotter than the one preceding it, making the global average temperature between July 2023 and June 2024 1.64 C (3 F) greater than it was before the Industrial Revolution, when humans started burning fossil fuels to release huge quantities of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
According to Yale Climate Connections (2), "August 2024 was Earth’s warmest August in analysis of global data going back to 1850, and the past three months (summer in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the Southern Hemisphere) were the warmest June-to-August period on record." 2023 already smashed the record for world's hottest year by "a huge margin"(3). Studies show that New England is warming faster than the rest of the world (4). Already, Massachusetts is seeing a massive uptick in the spread of diseases from mosquitoes and ticks during longer summers. Extreme heat has also claimed nearly 30 lives in Massachusetts over the past decade, and the numbers are expected to soar as the climate crisis worsens. By all scientific expectations, outcomes will only get rapidly worse from here without immediate mitigation efforts.
Extinction Rebellion Boston is an autonomous chapter of the international grassroots movement, Extinction Rebellion (XR), which started in London in 2018. The purpose of XR is to tell the truth about how dire the ecological and climate crises are and spark immediate action in order to prevent climate and ecological collapse. We aim to mobilize people around the world to utilize nonviolent direct action to demand that governments take radical action to avert societal collapse caused by widespread climate and ecological disaster and to protect frontline communities, biodiversity, and the natural world. This movement is non-political and unites all of humanity behind a singular goal of a just and livable future for all. Learn more about Extinction Rebellion at: xrboston.org
XR Boston’s recruiting, training, and capacity building is supported by the Climate Emergency Fund, which strategically supports ultra-ambitious organizations demanding solutions to the climate crisis at emergency speed.
- https://www.space.com/last-12-months-broke-temperature-records
- https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2024/09/earth-has-its-hottest-august-and-hottest-june-august-on-record/
- https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/jan/09/2023-record-world-hottest-climate-fossil-fuel
- https://www.clf.org/blog/climate-change-worsens-extreme-weather-in-new-england/
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Upcoming Events:
Sat Mar 29th @ 10 a.m.
Wed Apr 2nd @ 7:30 p.m.
Fri Apr 4th @ 4 p.m.