Read articles, press releases, and watch videos from XR Boston and the wider climate and ecological movement.

XR Boston WHDH Speak No Evil Cropped.jpg

Climate Activists call on WHDH TV and area news outlets to cover the climate and ecological emergency with the urgency required

Tell the Truth Press Release WHDH Ecological Emergency Climate Crisis

Extinction Rebellion Boston stood out on the Bourne Bridge to raise awareness about the climate and ecological crisis as people swarmed to the Cape to enjoy Labor Day

Press Release Ecological Emergency Cape Cod Red Rebel Brigade Climate Crisis

The surivival of civilization is intricately linked with consumption and ecological sustainability

Ecological Emergency Population Growth Overconsumption Article

Ecological pollution and destruction is the leading cause of the Sixth Mass Extinction. Here is a list of suggestions for cutting back on household plastics, chemicals, and waste.

Sixth Mass Exintinction Plastic Individual Actions Resources Ecological Emergency
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XR Boston calls on WHDH and other Boston-area news outlets to Tell the Truth about the climate crisis and its impacts on our local communities and the people and ecosystems around the world.

WHDH Open Letter Tell the Truth Climate Crisis

Members of XR Boston and other local climate groups covered the Citgo sign in Boston with a banner that read "CLIMATE JUSTICE NOW"

Action Citgo Sign Climate Justice Now Ecological Emergency Climate Crisis