
Prominent Climate Scientists' and Activists' Urgent Letter to President Biden

July 23, 2024

Dear President Biden,

This year, for the first time in recorded history, we have seen the global temperature exceed 1.5 degrees Celsius over pre-Industrial temperatures for a 12-month period. We also experienced 12 months of record-breaking surface air temperatures and 14 months of record-breaking sea surface temperatures globally. This was shocking–except to climate scientists, oil companies whose research models have been predicting this for decades, and anyone paying any attention. American climate policy remains woefully behind.

Until worldwide destruction is no longer imminent, we must alleviate and lessen the effects of climate change by severing our reliance on fossil fuels. Scientific consensus shows that burning fossil fuels is the main driver of climate change, which jeopardizes human health, food security, and the peace and security of all nations. Directly and indirectly, fossil fuels threaten the present and future of all life on this planet.

As the leader of one of the richest nations and historically the highest carbon-emitting nation, you carry a responsibility to protect the vulnerable people of your nation and a responsibility to protect those of all other nations. We are aware that your administration has taken action to protect the planet, its biodiversity, and thereby people’s health and safety, but this action is not enough—you must sign a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty. This treaty will be a global, legally-binding plan to ban all new oil, gas, and coal projects, and in addition will establish and facilitate a just transition away from fossil fuel use.

As our President, we demand that you commit to do what science says is necessary for our survival. Work with other nations to establish this treaty and halt all fossil fuel extraction and burning by 2030 here and in other wealthy nations, and support and finance other countries so that the poorest nations may phase out fossil fuels by 2050. This can be done by endorsing the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative and by seeking a negotiating mandate to establish the treaty.

You said “Anyone who willfully denies the impacts of climate change is condemning the American people to a dangerous future and either is really, really dumb or has some other motive.” We agree. But to deny the causes of those impacts is irresponsible and morally bankrupt, and will perpetuate the impacts indefinitely.

Winter storms are worsening. As you’ve admitted yourself, heat waves are scorching and killing. Just recently, Hurricane Beryl (or Hurricane Exxon, as some call it–named after one of the companies who caused it) broke records as the first storm to grow so large so early in the year, flattening towns and a whole island.

Fossil fuel extraction and usage is already causing mass death, and will cause millions or potentially even billions more to be murdered for profit. Doing nothing to address the root cause of the climate catastrophe while you have the power to do so as President of the United States would be negligence of horrific scale. By not acting, not only are you locking in mass suffering and death here in the US, but you are locking in mass suffering and death for people in the Global South and around the world. Clearly, global heating shows how connected we all are, with all life on Earth.

Activists around the globe will continue to disrupt travel if you and other world leaders choose not to endorse the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty–there can be no business as usual while fossil fuel corporations and the governments who subsidize them continue to kill our planet. Climate activists and defenders of nature and life will be forced to take nonviolent direct action, and we will not stop until there is an end to fossil fuel production, a fair phase-out, and a just transition to renewables.

On July 2, 2024, you said “Ignoring climate change is deadly and dangerous and irresponsible,” Mr. President. We demand that you heed your own warning.


Extinction Rebellion Boston

Scientist Rebellion Turtle Island

Center for Diverse Leadership in Science

End Climate Silence

Rose Zheng Abramoff, PhD, Institute for Globally Distributed Open Research and Education

Mary Finley-Brook, PhD, University of Richmond

Bruce A Hungate, Director, Center for Ecosystem Science and Society, Northern Arizona University

Peter Kalmus, PhD

Adam McKay, YellowDot Studios

Susan Nossal, PhD

Mustafa Saifuddin, PhD, Earthjustice & New York University

Jennie C. Stephens, PhD, Northeastern University

Aradhna Tripati, PhD, University of California Los Angeles

Lucas Vargas Zeppetello, PhD, University of California Berkeley

Johanna Ray Vollhardt, PhD, Clark University

Anthony Walker, PhD, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Britt Wray, PhD

Tristam Wyatt, PhD, University of Oxford

**Disclaimer: Affiliations are listed for identification purposes only. The signatures of individuals to this letter do not necessarily reflect the position of their affiliated organizations or universities.

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