Read about Extinction Rebellion members and learn why they have chosen to Act Now!

James, Harley, and Julia

Three activists arrested at Hanscom Airfield share why they get arrested for the climate.

Hanscom Airfield Interview Activist Profiles

An interview with Skip Schiel about his photography and work with Extinction Rebellion Boston

Climate Crisis Skip Schiel Leah Hodge Activist Profiles
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Elizabeth had the privilege of growing up in a family where politics are regularly discussed, allowing her to get involved with XR without fear of being turned down for being 13

XR Boston Youth Activist Profiles

For Jason, art is not only a tool for raising awareness about the climate crisis but also a symbolic manifestation of what it can look like to build a better, more just and sustainable society.

Jason Rudokas Activist Profiles

Engaging with the reality of the climate crisis is certainly not easy, but McGonagill recognizes it as the first step towards envisioning a new political reality

Allen MGonagill Activist Profiles