Read articles, press releases, and watch videos from XR Boston and the wider climate and ecological movement.


XR Boston announces their 2023 Week of Rebellion to demand No New Fossil Fuel Infrastructure

Week of Rebellion

Members of XR and CD engaged in nonviolent civil disobedience to disrupt business as usual at Harvard. The non-violent climate activists disrupted a speech by Executive Director of the Environmental & Energy Law Program, Carrie Jenks, demanding that Harvard fire Jody Freeman, their co-chair of Harvard University's Presidential Committee on Sustainability.

ConocoPhillips Jody Freeman Climate Defiance Harvard
XR-RB (22)

Members of XR Boston celebrate and mourn the loss of ocean diversity with a funeral on Revere Beach

Revere Beach Marine Life Beach Funeral Biodiversity

Four activists arrested at Eversource's East Boston substation construction site, after climbed over the site's fence and staging a picnic.

East Boston #noeastiesubstation Eversource GreenRoots

On Thursday June 15, eight climate activists from Extinction Rebellion Boston (XR) mooned legislature with the message "STOP PASSING GAS" written on their backsides, demanding that the Massachusetts government immediately ban all new fossil fuel infrastructure and stop ongoing construction of new projects.

State House Thongs Mooning No New Fossil Fuel Infrastructure
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Starting on Monday June 5, climate activists are holding "stand-outs" in front of the Massachusetts State House, demanding that Governor Healey halt planning and construction on all new or proposed fossil fuel infrastructure projects.

State House state house stand-out