This is the official source for news about Extinction Rebellion Boston. For media inquiries, please
contact the XR Boston Media Team
Climate activists demand that Boston declare a climate and ecological emergency
Press Release City Hall Boston Stand-in with ShoesActivists call out Governor Baker and Mass DEP for ignoring risks to health, safety, the environment, and economy of South Shore
Press Release nvda Weymouth Compressor StationClimate activists remind shoppers that there are alternatives to Christmas consumer culture that is worsening the climate and ecological crisis
Press Release Consumerism Holiday Shopping Ecological EmergencyProtestors urging citizens, corporations, and governments to take immediate action to stop the burning of the Amazon Rain forest and the murders of indigenous people
Press Release Brazilian Consulate Amazon Fires Ecological EmergencyClimate Activists demand that the Massachusetts and federal government declare a climate emergency and transition the economy to net-zero carbon by 2025
Press Release Act Now Flood the Seaport Climate CrisisDemand Gas Executives Stop Hiding Truth about the Climate and Health Hazards of Natural (Methane) Gas
Press Release LDC Natural Gas Conference