Read articles, press releases, and watch videos from XR Boston and the wider climate and ecological movement.
Extinction Rebellion Boston stood out on the Bourne Bridge to raise awareness about the climate and ecological crises, and how the Cape is at particular risk
Sixth Mass Extinction Press Release Bourne Bridge Cape Cod Climate CrisisClimate Activists Disrupt Boston Seaport, Demand Investment in Climate Action. The Boston Seaport is an unwise investment of our tax dollars.
Sea level rise Sixth Mass Extinction Boston Seaport Press Release Flood the Seaport Governor Baker Climate CrisisA coalition of climate justice activists gathered outside of the State House to demand that Governor Baker take urgent action on environmental injustices in Massachusetts
Sixth Mass Exintinction Governor Gas Press Release Governor Baker Climate CrisisClimate Activists shut down the entrance to the Energy and Environmental Affairs office with a pink bathtub to stop the East Boston substation
(N)eversource Eversource Sixth Mass Extinction Eastie Substation East Boston Substation Press Release Climate CrisisExtinction Rebellion demands Eversource Energy to stop destroying our future for investor profits
Ecological Crisis (N)eversource Eversource Sixth Mass Extinction Press Release Climate CrisisJPMorgan Chase is the most dangerous bank in the world as they continue as the worlds #1 banker of fossil fuels
Ecological Emergency Sixth Mass Exintinction JPMorgan Chase Climate Crisis