### Welcome to XR Boston Resources!

[Start here!](https://www.xrmass.org/welcome-manual) The XR Boston Rebel's Welcome Manual gives you a quick introduction to how to get involved, find information, and get connected.

_Some project pages:_ [Extinction Jenga](./48/)   -    [East Boston Substation](./substation/)   -   [Lost Animals](./lost-animals)

** Important pages **

- [How XR Boston is structured](./org-structure/): information on how XR Boston is structured and makes decisions
- [Working Groups](./working-groups/): descriptions of our different working groups and their current projects, working group specific resources, and how to get involved
- [Affinity Groups](./affinity-groups/): organizational, action, and well-being resources for affinity groups
- [Visual design and other arts resources](./working-groups/arts/resources/): download XR logo and fonts, style guide, flyer templates, and other creative resources. 
- [How to start a local chapter](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Cq-a9pwb7FsJp4Kz5FWFiuy55Dvq1csI8Gg0h37T9Lc/edit). From XR US.

[XR Boston Google Drive](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1c5or6BNmiguAbEr_F-T9XYv0kgubm-Ya): you can view and download collaborative documents, templates, and other group resources here. The pages above link to many of these documents and contextualizes them with additional information.

[Page for Working Group Coordinators](./coordinators/)

[Infrastructure Requests](./infrastructure/)

[Research](./research/) - ever-expanding collection of links from keybase, email, etc

[Recent Wiki Changes](/wiki/_plugin/globalhistory/1/)


### Wiki basics

[Quick tips](./wiki-help/) for those new to using a wiki

**Recommendations for Use**: TO DO (suggest how working groups can best use the wiki in conjunction with email, keybase, Google Docs, shared files, and other parts of xrboston website / suggest best practices regarding public accessibility and internal comms)
