This is the official source for news about Extinction Rebellion Boston. For media inquiries, please
contact the XR Boston Media Team
Stop the Fossil Fuel Industry, Now: List of events for Extinction Rebellion Boston's September week of rebellion
Sixth Mass Extinction Ecological Emergency Climate Crisis Extinction Rebellion Week of RebellionMembers of Extinction Rebellion Boston joined other local climate orgs in Somerset, MA to demand that President Biden declare Climate Emergency
President Biden Sixth Mass Extinction Ecological Emergency Climate Crisis Executive Powers DeclareClimateEmergencyClimate activists occupy the lawn of Joe Nolan, Eversource CEO, to demand that Eversource stop obstructing climate action and commit to a rapid and just transition to green, renewable energy
Eversource Sixth Mass Extinction Press Release Ecological Emergency Climate Crisis NVDAExtinction Rebellion Boston joined Breathe Clean North Shore for a day of action to oppose the Peabody Peaker Plant
No Peabody Peaker Climate Justice Press Release Ecological Emergency Peabody Peaker Plant Climate Crisis NVDACW: This event deals with loss of life and activist self-harm.
Sixth Mass Extinction Vigil Wynn Bruce Press Release Climate CrisisExtinction Rebellion Boston demands that Massachusetts governor, senators, and representatives back No New Fossil Fuel legislation and refuse lobbying money from utility and fossil fuel companies
Sixth Mass Exintinction IPCC Report Press Release Ecological Emergency Governor Baker state house Climate Crisis